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Tag: ATO

Petrol Prices mean Car Allowance ‘Undercooked’

The ATO has got its sums wrong with its increase in vehicle deductions by just 3¢ per kilometre. The rise in the work-related car expense deduction to 75¢ a kilometre from July fails to reflect the reality, said accounting bodies, and will leave millions of taxpayers short-changed. The ATO announced the rise, up from 72¢, last…
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ATO Warns of Crypto Crackdown

Cryptocurrency is catching on fast in Australia and accountants need to be alert to the tax implications, says the ATO. Trades in cryptocurrency leapt 64 per cent in 2021 and the ATO is using data matching to make sure nothing slips through the net, acting assistant commissioner Sylvia Gallagher said last week. With more than…
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COVID Compliance Holiday Coming to an End, Says ATO

During the pandemic the ATO pressed pause on its usual regime, but it’s slowly returning to business as usual. The ATO will focus on chasing debts and artful tax dodgers now that Australia is returning to normal post-COVID, acting assistant commissioner Sylvia Gallagher said. Speaking at the Accountants Daily Strategy Day in Sydney last week…
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Accountants ‘Livid’ Over ATO Trust Crackdown

The recent ATO ruling on trust distributions is an “unfair” change to the game and accountants need to be aware that clients will be under increased scrutiny, says ChangeGPS founder Timothy Munro. Speaking at a recent ChangeGPS webinar, Timothy Munro said accountants were “livid” about the rulings that would force them to completely rethink their strategies heading…
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ATO Flags E-Invoicing Opportunities for Businesses

The ATO has urged businesses to consider the use of e-invoicing as it becomes the new and improved way to send and receive invoices for organisations.  In a recent update, the ATO said that the adoption of e-invoicing can help businesses simplify and automate the exchange and processing of invoices.  “Government agencies, business, and software…
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ATO’s Late Lodgement Focus Set to Continue this Year

In February last year, the ATO launched a new compliance campaign targeted at late lodgements in response to concerns that a lapse in lodgement often indicates broader regulatory issues. ATO assistant commissioner, SMSF segment Justin Micale noted at the time that despite the due date for lodgement of the 2019 SMSF annual return being deferred until 30…
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ATO Highlights Support for Out-Of-Date Lodgments and Payments

The ATO has issued a reminder to those who have clients currently not up to date with their lodgment and payment obligations. The Tax Office said the new year is a good opportunity to check in with clients, noting that “if you find some are not up to date with their lodgment and payment obligations,…
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ATO Provides Deadlines for Early Access to Super Over Christmas

The ATO has released new information for individuals who need to access their superannuation early on compassionate grounds during the Christmas shutdown period. The ATO offices will close from midday Friday, 24 December 2021, reopening on Tuesday, 4 January 2022.  The ATO said that for those who need a compassionate release of super determination before…
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How Tax Laws Apply to your Cryptocurrency Gains

According to the Australian Taxation Office, more than 600,000 taxpayers have invested in crypto assets in recent years, and many have failed to declare their capital gains. The technology that supports cryptocurrencies is relatively new, but the tax laws that apply are well established under capital gains tax provisions for cryptocurrency investors. Australia is supporting…
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ATO Circles Inactive ABNs in Latest Probe

The ATO has reminded tax practitioners to ensure their clients’ Australian business numbers (ABNs) are sound with a new review set to identify those that warrant cancellation.  The Tax Office’s review will seek to identify potentially inactive ABNs for cancellation. “Your client’s ABN may be selected if they have not reported business activity in their tax…
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