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Important Message for all Company Directors

Important Message for all Company Directors

New laws came into force from 1 November 2021 requiring all Directors to obtain a Director Identification Number (Director ID). This applies if they are the director of a company, registered Australian body, registered foreign company or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation.

When must you apply for your Director ID?

Date You Became a DirectorDate You Must Apply
On or before 31st October 2021By November 30th 2022
Between 1st November 2021 and 4th April 2022Within 28 days of appointment
From 5th April 2022Before your appointment

How do I get my Director ID?

Unfortunately even your registered Tax Agent is not able to apply for your Director ID on your behalf. To obtain your Director ID you will need to complete the identification requirements through your myGovID. A step by step guide on obtaining your Director ID can be found via this link.

Once I have my Director ID, what should I do?

Once you have completed your Director ID application and you have been issued with a Director ID, please provide your registered Tax Agent with your Director ID. If this is Mark Accountants please do so by emailing it to us at admin@markaccountants.com.au If you have any questions about this new requirement, please reach out to us accordingly.


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