1 Allen Street, Moffat Beach, QLD 4551
(07) 5491 9439

Author: admin

Fixing BAS Mistakes or Making Adjustments

What to do if you need to fix a mistake in a previously lodged BAS or make an adjustment for a change. What are mistakes or adjustments Correcting a mistake made in an earlier business activity statement (BAS) is different to making an adjustment: When to fix a mistake Examples of mistakes you may have…
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Client-to-Agent Linking Steps

These steps help businesses use online services to nominate an agent. About client-to-agent linking steps Businesses can use the ATO’s online services to nominate an agent. These steps are for clients who need to nominate an agent. You only need to do this when you: Contact the ATO or your registered agent if you need guidance. Your…
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Beware of SMSF Promoter Schemes

The sole purpose of a self-managed super fund (SMSF) is to save up for your retirement savings. There are people promoting early access schemes which are illegal and could cost you more than your retirement savings. Be on the lookout for dodgy advice, don’t take up any offers without first checking if they are legal and learn…
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Not Entitled to Medicare Benefits

Find out about claiming an exemption from paying the Medicare levy if you were not entitled to Medicare benefits. 2023 Medicare Entitlement Statement (MES) processing delay If you applied to Services Australia for a 2023 MES and you’re waiting for it to be processed, you should still lodge your tax return by the due date.…
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Prohibited SMSF Loans

Loans to members continues to be the highest reported contravention of the superannuation laws that we see in auditor contravention reports (ACR) lodged by self-managed super fund (SMSF) auditors. These loans comprised 16% of all reported breaches for the 2019 to 2022 audit years. It’s important to remember SMSF trustees cannot loan money or provide other…
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Winding Up Your SMSF

If you find yourself in a position where you want or need to wind up your SMSF there are a number of key considerations and tasks involved. Before lodging your final SMSF return you need to dispose of assets and pay out (where a condition of release has been met) or rollover all member benefits (leaving an appropriate amount…
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Update Your ABN Details

When was the last time you checked your Australian business number (ABN) details on the Australian Business Register (ABR)? If you’re not sure, it’s time to check your details are up to date. Emergency services and government agencies use ABN details to identify businesses in areas affected by emergencies, so it’s important to check your…
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Be Cyber Wise, Don’t Compromise

Throughout 2021–22, one cybercrime was reported every 7 minutes to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). Throughout Cyber Security Awareness Month (October) we encourage you to implement these 4 quick steps to help protect yourself and your clients. Step 1: Install updates for your devices and software Regular updates ensure you have the latest security…
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A Simple Guide to Car Depreciation and Minimising Tips

Business vehicle depreciation is a topic that new small business owners may be unfamiliar with, and calculating it can be challenging. However, understanding this deduction is crucial since it can result in significant tax savings. Admittedly, car depreciation can be a complicated subject. But, to ensure you’re getting the most out of your car’s value, it’s essential…
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Do You Know Your FBTs?

Attracting and retaining good staff is essential for your business. If you’ve given your employees perks and benefits such as car parking or gym memberships, you should consider the FBT implications. These extras can be a great bonus on top of salary and wages – but they can attract an FBT liability. What kinds of…
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