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Taking Care Of Small Business

Taking Care Of Small Business

Have you ever wanted to help deliver the tax system of the future for small business? If so, our Small Business Stewardship Group (SBSG) might be for you.

The SBSG is a part of our commitment to consultation. We aim to co-design our administration of the tax and super systems in partnership with those across the small business community.

We’re seeking expressions of interest from small business owners, industry representatives and advocacy groups as well as tax professionals with small business clients.

We want to hear from you about the tax challenges faced by small business, to help us improve our approach and make tax easier.

Deputy Commissioner Will Day, ATO co-chair of the SBSG is encouraging people involved with small business to apply.

“Over the years, we’ve worked with some fantastic SBSG members who have shared their time and their knowledge of small business to help us make tax easier.

“They’ve also shared tax and super information with their own networks and memberships to help them better understand their tax and super obligations” he said.

So, if you’re passionate about supporting small business, we want to hear from you! Expressions of interest are open from the 20 March until Thursday 6 April 2023.

Source: ATO

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